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Asia Pacific Disaster Resilience Centre

ⓒ Japanese Red Cross Society


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A Study on the Implication of Disaster Broadcasting using Big-data Analysis

A Study on the Implication of Disaster Broadcasting using Big-data Analysis

By Seung-min Lee, et al.

After the Ferry Sewol accident, appeals and interest in disaster trauma have increased in society, including general public as well as direct and indirect victim. Although the direction of mass media coverage that affects the direction of perception is very important, there are no guideline for the report. In order to find out the trend of major media’s disaster-realted reports, 961 news reports from the three broadcasters related to the Itaewon disaster was examined through big data analysis. As a result, keywords in terms of responsibility and investigation along with the government and institutions were treated with high importance.

Therefore, in order to promote the recovery of the local community in the direction of disaster broadcasting, this study propsed to deal with prevention and response to prevent recurrence and safety education in a comprehensive manner beyond fact delivery and call for responsibility.

Key words : Disaster Broadcasting, Disaster report, Itaewon disaster, Big data