Asia Pacific Community Resilience CoP - Regional Meeting Summary
Since we started in 2016, the Asia Pacific Disaster Resilience Center (APDRC) has been working hard to share and spread disaster resilience knowledge across 38 Red Cross Societies in the Asia-Pacific region. Since 2019, we've been hosting the Asia-Pacific Disaster Resilience Networking Meeting three times a year to keep this effort going strong.
2024, we're planning to take this network to the next level by teaming up with the Urban Resilience Group under the AP Community of Practice (CoP). To kick things off, we had a joint meeting in July with the Asia-Pacific Urban Resilience Hub. At this meeting, we decided to combine the Asia-Pacific Resilience Officers' Meeting and the Urban Resilience Hub into one big knowledge community (CoP).

We'll officially launch this new CoP at the Asia-Pacific Disaster Risk Reduction Conference in October, which will be held in Manila, Philippines. Through this CoP, we hope to make the APDRC an even stronger hub for sharing knowledge and building resilience in our region.

Asia Pacific Community Resilience CoP - Regional Meeting Summary
Since we started in 2016, the Asia Pacific Disaster Resilience Center (APDRC) has been working hard to share and spread disaster resilience knowledge across 38 Red Cross Societies in the Asia-Pacific region. Since 2019, we've been hosting the Asia-Pacific Disaster Resilience Networking Meeting three times a year to keep this effort going strong.
2024, we're planning to take this network to the next level by teaming up with the Urban Resilience Group under the AP Community of Practice (CoP). To kick things off, we had a joint meeting in July with the Asia-Pacific Urban Resilience Hub. At this meeting, we decided to combine the Asia-Pacific Resilience Officers' Meeting and the Urban Resilience Hub into one big knowledge community (CoP).
We'll officially launch this new CoP at the Asia-Pacific Disaster Risk Reduction Conference in October, which will be held in Manila, Philippines. Through this CoP, we hope to make the APDRC an even stronger hub for sharing knowledge and building resilience in our region.